7 Common Reasons To Visit The Podiatrist

Although most, if not all people, utilize their feet daily, many dismiss visiting a foot specialist, also referred to as the podiatrist, if they experience foot discomfort. There are numerous reasons why individuals avoid seeing Dr. Han Nguyen, including that they assume the foot pain will fade away by itself. Besides, most people believe the foot problem is not serious enough to require a podiatrist appointment, whereas others fear their doctor might request surgery. However, podiatrists are highly trained and skilled professionals in any concern that affects the foot. Therefore, if you have any of the following foot concerns, you should consider a podiatric consultation.
1. You Have Diabetes
Diabetes renders you highly susceptible to foot issues. Persons with diabetes are vulnerable to losing feet sensation and developing wounds and ulcers that could cause infections. If you are diabetic, you should attend a podiatric foot exam once every year. Doctors suggest that having a foot doctor as a part of your medical team could hugely reduce the danger of amputation because of diabetes-related complications.
2. Heel Pain
There are numerous causes of hell discomfort. You might have a heel spur, which is a bony protrusion on your heel. Likewise, the tendons that connect your heel could get swollen. Therefore, consult a podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis if you have chronic heel pain.
3. Ingrown Toenail
Once a toenail develops into your skin, the conditions could induce an infection. Ingrown toenails frequently impact the big toe. Therefore, if you notice redness or drainage from your toe, you should see a foot doctor. In some situations, your podiatrist will eliminate a portion of the nail. However, your specialist could also recommend antibiotics in case of infections and discuss plans to keep the ingrown toenail from recurring.
4. Pain In The Ankles or Feet
Arthritis is an issue that impacts the long-term function and health of your joints. Feet arthritis causes red, tender, swollen, or stiff joints. This condition can alter the way your feet function and result in disability. Your podiatrist will recommend therapy that preserves your joint health, making it simple for you to undertake your everyday activities.
5. Ankle or Foot Injury
Foot doctors are specialists in addressing fractured bones, strains, and sprains in the ankle or foot. Your specialist can identify the injury and recommend appropriate therapy. Intensifying pain, difficulties walking, swelling, and redness after trauma are all reasons to see your podiatrist.
6. You Want Foot Surgery
Surgery is frequently the last resort a foot doctor suggests for numerous foot concerns. Some issues your podiatrist might recommend surgery for include recurring ingrown toenails, fractured bones, hammertoes, and bunions.
7. Chronic Foot Itching
Athlete’s foot results from a fungal infection that makes the skin on the bottom of your foot appear scaly and between the toes feel itchy and appear raw. While non-prescription antifungal creams can help, if this infection does not improve after several weeks, see a podiatrist. Cream-based and oral antifungals prescribed by foot doctors are more efficient.
Foot and ankle issues could result from chronic health concerns like diabetes or arthritis. However, even daily situations like ill-fitting shoes and overuse could result in foot discomfort. While some of these foot concerns resolve by themself, others only worsen with time. Thus, it is reasonable to visit a podiatrist immediately if you identify a foot problem. Thanks to their expertise in foot and ankle problems, a podiatrist can provide professional diagnoses and treatments that will reduce discomfort and improve quality of life.